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Fibromyalgia syndrome and Cannabis
Fibromyalgia syndrome and Cannabis

Making use of medical cannabis to treat fibromyalgia syndrome

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Written by Bob
Updated over a week ago

Making use of medical cannabis to treat fibromyalgia syndrome

Fibromyalgia Syndrome is a chronic ailment that affects thousands of Canadians despite being largely unnoticeable. Here's how medical cannabis might be beneficial.

Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is a very serious and painful disorder that affects nearly 80,000 Canadians, or 2% of the population. FMS symptoms can be managed through self-management approaches like frequent exercise to minimize pain and stiffness and better sleep habits like limiting coffee intake. Antidepressants and even antiepileptic medications have been included in some pharmaceutical approaches, although the outcomes and effectiveness of these prescriptions have been inconsistent. Patients have another alternative to manage their fibromyalgia symptoms with medical cannabis, including better sleep, less pain, and better mood.

Fibromyalgia Syndrome: What is it?

FMS is a chronic ailment now classified as a central sensitivity syndrome, a group of disorders with overlapping clinical symptoms and common underlying causes. Along with FMS, a person may also experience tension and migraine headaches, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), among many other central sensitivity syndromes. FMS sufferers may also suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus), and ankylosing spondylitis, among other chronic painful illnesses.

According to the notion, persons with FMS have an overly sensitive central nervous system, which leads to aberrant pain perception. This manifests as extensive bodily pain, as well as pain from activities that are often uncomfortable (such a hug) or a heightened pain reaction to other stimuli (e.g. bumping into the counter). Another way to think of FMS is to picture a fire alarm going off every time the oven is switched on. An abnormally sensitive pain processing system will transmit pain signals all over the body, making discomfort feel like there is even a slight chance of pain.

Medical cannabis may be beneficial for FMS and its associated family of illnesses because, according to an emerging view, they may be partially caused by clinical endocannabinoid deficiency.

What are the signs and symptoms of the fibromyalgia syndrome

FMS is characterized by widespread discomfort, but this disorder also involves a variety of symptoms that can alter from day to day or even be influenced by the weather. Additional signs and symptoms linked to FMS include:

-Significant exhaustion

-Issues with sleep quality and disruptions

-Disturbances of the mood, such as irritability

-Brain fog and attention issues, also known as "fibro fog,"

-Trouble with memory

-Both tension and migraine headaches

-Constipation, diarrhea, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome are gastrointestinal conditions.

-Excessive urination is required

-High sensitivity to temperature, odors, strong light, loud noises, and brightness

-Known also as "genital fibromyalgia," vulvodynia

-Depression or anxiety may be triggered by ongoing pain

In addition, a new idea known as "fibromyalgianess" takes into account these additional symptoms as well as the fact that different people have different pain thresholds. A patient with less severe symptoms, for instance, might not have a formal fibromyalgia diagnosis but nonetheless benefit from a symptom management strategy for the condition.

How might medical cannabis aid in the treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome?

Early evidence suggests that medicinal cannabis may be an effective treatment for FMS, which may be explained by the notion that endocannabinoids, the body's naturally occurring cannabinoids, may be partially responsible for this condition. It is believed that medicinal cannabis's stimulation of the endocannabinoid system helps FMS sufferers' aberrant pain-processing systems return to normal levels, sort of like resetting the motherboard. This may explain why early clinical studies revealed medicinal cannabis to be helpful for treating numerous FMS symptoms at once, such as pain, sleep difficulties, and mood disorders, even though the research is still in its infancy.

Interestingly, a 2014 assessment of more than 1,300 FMS sufferers found that medical cannabis was more effective than conventional medicines at relieving symptoms. Among the responders, 62% reported using medical cannabis to treat their symptom management was "extremely successful." (But keep in mind that this wasn't a legitimate clinical study; it was just an online survey.)

The focus is on treatment for symptom management and enhancing patient quality of life because there is presently no cure for FMS. Healthcare professionals frequently advise combining pain-relieving and stress-relieving therapy. This entails physical activity, massage or chiropractic care, sound sleep practices, psychotherapy, and a healthy diet along with medication—which may include medical cannabis—as well as other lifestyle choices.

Options for medical cannabis delivery systems to treat fibromyalgia syndrome symptoms

Patients with FMS frequently need more than one type of medical cannabis medication due to the wide range of symptoms that can change from day to day. The many forms of medicinal cannabis that may be beneficial to patients are listed below, along with some typical FMS symptoms: To prevent overmedication or drug interactions, medical cannabis should only be administered under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional for optimum outcomes.

-Disturbed sleep For longer-lasting sleep control, use oils or foods

-Pain in the area: Topicals

-For instant relief from fibro "flares," use vaporizers or vape pens with dried flowers.

-Angry and depressed moods: For longer-lasting management, use oils, edibles, or a slow-release patch.

-Headaches: Vape cartridge or dried flower for instant relief; oils or meals for prolonged pain management

-Suppositoires for genital discomfort

Depending on the desired effect and how well the patient tolerates cannabinoids, these medicinal cannabis formats may be high-CBD, high-THC, a 1:1 ratio, or a combination. Twenty fibromyalgia patients participated in a tiny trial, and those who had close to a 1:1 ratio of THC to CBD exhibited a 30% reduction in pain levels compared to placebo.

Cannabis for medical purposes can be beneficial.

Patients most frequently use medical cannabis for pain control, and some FMS patients report increased quality of life as a result of using medical cannabis in their daily routine. Every step of the road will be assisted by our team.

Getting care can be difficult because this condition is mainly unseen, difficult to describe, and still lacks definite causes. Be sure to mention the following to a medical expert while discussing potential FMS:

-the degree of discomfort, on a scale of 1 to 10,

-Where the discomfort is located on your body

-What the suffering is like

-What causes it and its duration

-What, if anything, relieves the discomfort

-Any more unusual symptoms, such as weariness or headaches.

-Any FMS family history

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